David James Brock

Theatre, Opera, Poetry, Film

David James Brock is a Canadian writer of opera, theatre, poetry, and film.
Author of poetry collections Everyone is CO2 and Ten-Headed Alien.
Co-creator of Breath Cycle, an opera for cystic fibrosis.

CAMH Recovery College: Creative Writing Techniques

Beginning on February 9, 2020. I will be teaching Creative Writing Techniques: Braving the Elements through CAMH Recovery College. This six week introductory course is open to those who have experienced mental health and/or addiction challenges and/or social services use. This also includes family members, friends and health care providers, when appropriate.

Recovery colleges are nonclinical-based education and training programs offered to people who have experienced mental health and/or addiction challenges, and who feel ready to set goals, gain skills and make social connections as part of their personal journey.

Please reach out to anyone you know who might interested.

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